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Poster Answers

Move your mouse pointer over each fluke, and the behavioral role of each animal will popup (It may take a second).
Note that Escorts, Singers, and almost all members of Competitive Groups are males.
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The "black box" whale is nicknamed Beautiful, and has been seen 3 different years by HMMC, as a singer, in a competitive group, and paired up with another whale.

The "red box" whale is number #801 from the Southeast Alaska Whale catalog and is well known from sightings in Glacier Bay National Park. #801 is a female and has been documented with many calves in Alaska. HMMC saw her twice in 2004 paired up with another whale, most likely a male.

The "yellow box" whale was sighted twice by HMMC, as a singer and as an escort to a mother-calf pair. Escorts are thought to associate with mothers for potential opportunities to mate, and are rarely if ever the father of the calf.